


: After a brief dormancy (3 years?!), my two iOS apps have been updated.Returning to SwiftUI has been …

: Skip to write cross platform native apps Skip looks a really interesting piece of technology. If it works well, would be well-worth the price …

: Wow, reading about this report on cruise ships and their environmental impact in yesterday’s …

: Reading about Apple’s reluctance to open up PWA to 3rd party browsers in the EU has thrown up two …

: A list of best sci-fi. Nice touch to place the Hitchhikers Guide at #42! Plenty of these are …

: I generally agree with John Gruber on how the Digital Markets Act is hard to comply with, but it’s …

: I don’t fancy going through teething again as an adult, it looks like hell as a baby. But tooth …

: I know little about design, past keeping it simple with few colours and two fonts. This looks like a …

: Years late, I’ve been watching Homeland on Netflix and later on Disney+. After eight seasons, I …

: I love PostgreSQL. It’s the most amazing piece of software. It can do so much, with so few …

: 📸 Windy

: Installing h3-pg extension for Repeat whenever is updated. (Setup the …

: I had a vague memory that some flies were like Matryoshka dolls. So here we go, more than you wanted …

: I wonder why does not seem to be linked …

: Using a binary string returned from ActiveRecord When a DB query returns a binary string, this needs unescaping before use. The case that brought …

: I just finished reading: Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut 📚 It occurs to me that we are all time …

: News & Podcasts 2024 has lots of potential, but I’ve stopped opening news apps or scrolling for my mood and …

: Reading this left me both upbeat and sad that there is no Manhattan Project effort that all …

: I love this take on Pac-Man. I expect copies to be all over the AppStore within days though 🤬 PAKU …

: Year in books for 2023 Here are the books I finished reading in 2023.

: Having grown up on Sinclair spectrum and then MS-DOS and Windows, I was a late comer to the Apple …

: Cory Doctorow’s new book might just leap to the front of my “to read” list. …

: This is a great summary of rules for generating APIs, including many points I have not considered …

: Migrating a Dokku application to a new server Assuming a few things: the original server is still running, and that the new server cannot be …

: I really enjoy reading Thomas’ work, it’s always deep and interesting. This is especially cool. …

: Today, I rediscovered a delightfully useful calculator app (macOS):

: It took a little searching to solve a problem on my daughter’s windows PC. Every so often, the …

: This looks nice at first glance. I wonder if framework agnostic means “works with plain …

: I think I knew some of these points, but wow, maps are weird/clever/deceitful! …

: Working with WeatherKit from Ruby The Dark Sky API was recently shutdown by Apple, who acquired the iOS app and API a couple of years …

: Problems with SwiftUI Map View The SwiftUI Map view is a great timesaver, but has some odd issues. When two Map views are visible, …

: Using Screen to manage long-running server tasks Occasionally I need to start a long running batch process on a server, such as a rake task to sync …

: I love how much automates for you, but when you login with the incorrect credentials, …

: I really enjoyed the first episode of

: On the theme of no magic, a colleague pointed out authentication-zero as an interesting alternative …

: Starting again I’m starting a new rails project, and have been evaluating to kick-start the …

: PG Gem woes, not for the first time. If you encounter errors installing pg gem on an Apple Silicon mac: checking for libpq-fe.h... no …

: I thought I’d posted about this before, but I’m currently looking at replacing my Linode …

: The Hunt for Red October I watched Hunt for Red October last night on Netflix. I think I’d seen bits as a kid, but …

: Product landing pages If I read the cliche “By Developers, For Developers” on a product home page once …

: I’m enjoying working on a thing in SwiftUI.

: Yesterday I stumbled across and listened to one of the podcast episodes. Along with …

: looks very interesting.

: Analytics to Storage, Amazon AWS does it all. It even a game engine at one point. But for all …

: Running old software will always catch up with you eventually. It looks like some upgrades lie in my …

: The SailTies app looks really useful for longer sailing cruises. As a dinghy sailor, it’s not …

: Today I found out that the asdf plugin for python supports multiple versions of the language in …

: 🎙I love the Art of Product podcast, but this episode is particularly cool. …

: Python 3.10.4 (or before) has deprecated PyEval_CallMethod in favour of PyObject_CallMethod, which …

: Safer rails deployments I’ve been using a small script to deploy the rails apps I maintain (both work and side …

: Security changes in Psych gem Upgrading the ruby instance for uncovered this surprise; Psych (YAML library) …

: It looks like the end of an era. Spinning up a free Heroku dyno to try a project will no longer be …

: It seems to me (having never used it), that Apple Stage Manager is the windowing UI they will be …

: Fantastic, Apple have announced WeatherKit, a replacement for the DarkSkies API they bought and …

: I’ve really enjoyed watching Sebastian’s videos on his experimental game development; so …

: Wow. My first thought was “Is it climbable?”

: Any reccomendations on tech for an iOS & Android app to automatically track location inside a …

: I’ve just finished Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson for the second time. This time, I “read” the …

: The exemplary resilience of Volodymyr Zelensky - New Statesman

: I listened to the audiobook version, which has some odd pronunciation s (eg quay and Lymington). …

: Finished reading: Facing Fear by Lisa Blair 📚

: Finished listening to: Warship by Joshua Dalzelle 📚 Just my cup of tea; from start to finish in one …

: I’ve never seen the film, but I just finished reading: The Godfather by Mario Puzo 📚

: Really enjoying playing around with this game. No points, no enemies, just townscaping: …

: I don’t drink, but am puzzled; UK alcohol tax changes: The chancellor says the reforms are taking …

: A “hologram” video call won’t work if everyone is wearing headsets. How will you look your collegues …

: In an effort to read less news, I’ve signed up for a daily fill of optimism, with scientific …

: Rails developers: If you are having issues with missing generated JS assets, make sure you are only …

: Hoping to make my side project to pay for itself, I’ve started documenting updates on a blog (sorry …

: Using Cloudinary with ActionText in Rails 6 I’ve been playing with Cloudinary for image hosting in a web app (direct upload to them). They …

: A really interesting comparison between approaches to build browsers in the heyday of the browser …

: I resolve never to complain about hot weather when it finally arrives. Working as Dad’s Taxi today …

: Text editors for Rails I’ve been evaluating different text editors for Ruby on Rails work on macOS. Sublime Text 4 is a …

: Slow text paste into irb I’ve struggled for a while with slow pasting of text into iterm2. Last week, I tried the stock …

: I just preordered Matthew Bogart’s Incredible Doom 📚 for UK release. …

: I love these videos and how they are presented, but The Final Border left me feeling pretty …

: New iMac looks great but… The new M1 iMacs look interesting. I wonder if they will be able to act as an external screen for …

: Cobwebs be gone! A jaunt to the sailing club with my very fine helm. Still in lockdown, so no sailing. But given the …

: I love these videos by Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell. Here’s How to Move the Sun: Stellar …

: I just finished reading: Heavy Weather Sailing 7th edition by Bruce, Peter 📚 a great repository of …

: I recently finished reading: Why We Sleep by Matthew P. Walker 📚 its really got me thinking about …

: A new Posterous?… are experimenting with blogging via email; something that …

: I think capital one just ran a filter to remove the logo from the laptop, and Mr Jackson’s head is …

: I’ve experienced some unexpected shutdowns on my 2019 MBP 16”. Fans hit max for just a split second …

: I stumbled across this weekend, a nice aggregator/marketplace of APIs. If you’re …

: Happy to share my new app went live on the iOS store. Another one for dinghy sailors; or rather …

: I’m joining a coding challenge, the Advent of Code Supporting the challenge can be done via coinbase …

: The more I learn, the more comfortable I am with my own ignorance. On a related note: …

: How Our CSS Framework Helps Enforce Accessibility

: Plans for orbiting solar power! I give 👍👍👍to new, greener energy tech. But is our current government …

: I’m currently exploring Big Sur. Playing with maps, I see that the London Eye actually rotates in 3D …

: Dog poop bags and fake ID are surprisingly similar. Buying the cheapest possible can get you into a …

: Aftermath of bonfire night in lockdown; no organised events, so a seemingly unending release of …

: I’m sorry to learn that Mike Gunderloy, former rails contributor has decided to give up blogging as …

: I haven’t played with GitHub Actions yet; but this is a really interesting use. GitHub - …

: A great article for EU Cookie law, of which I seem to need reminding of every year. How EU Cookie …

: This looks like what I’ve been looking for. I’m on a quest to upgrade a legacy rails app (3.2) which …

: I thought these eyes deserved a tash.…

: I discovered a brilliant little text manipulation app today:… This …

: New standing desk addition: skateboard deck on a balance half-ball

: I’m intrigued by a new debugger UI for Ruby: RubyJard I’ll be giving this a spin at the weekend. I …

: Damflask reservoir; by day and by night.

: I missed this news at the end of June. US Sailing is adopting the RYA Portsmouth Yardstick system …

: It’s not often you see Oscar’s eyes, but he does look handsome after a grooming. Toffee, on the …

: External display breaks the law! I’ve been struggling with Fitts’ Law since I added an external monitor above my MacBook Pro. …

: Currently listening to a retelling of John Wyndham - The Kraken Wakes - …

: A second Instagram video for my little iOS app:…

: I’ll write more about my first experience publishing on the iOS AppStore, but for now, here’s a link …

: Interesting; I didn’t realise that antimatter is a useful tool in science (PET scans …

: SwiftUI Keyboard Layout As a n00b iOS developer (Learning to apply Swift/SwiftUI), I have been looking at how to adjust the …

: 📚 I’ve really enjoyed “reading” World-Tree Online by E. A. Hooper on Audible. I never …

: Time to catch up with CSS again. I’m barely up to Flexbox…. CSS Grid: No Nonsense Layouts - …

: iPad Mini I bought my first new iPad since 2012 this week. The 5th generation iPad Mini is a delight to hold, …

: My employer, Love to Ride, is hiring for a project assistant in Bristol, UK. They’re a great …

: This is a great in-depth look at HTTP headers. I know they exist and roughly what they do, but never …

: A beautiful morning at Burbage. Summer may finally be here. (to stay?)

: I love these guys, but came to them late. Flight of the Conchords - live in London, funny as ever. …

: Sailing in light airs I’m currently reading “Fast Handling Techniques” by Frank Bethwaite (Designer of the Tasar, and …

: Trying, with good results so far. In this weeks Hacker Newsletter (448) I saw an article about letting others watch you work. …

: I’m using the Cactus layout, but have customised the CSS, with style inspiration from …

: You weren’t taking this somewhere without me, I hope?

: Why doesn’t “palindrome”.reverse() == “emordnilap”?

: I’m following the Hacking with Swift book, on project 12 now, but due to limits on the free Apple …

: CorrectedTime App A dinghy racing results app that allows you to: Submit race results, organized into events …

: Inspired by @manton , I’m deploying a wiki for my apps knowledgebase. I’ve been deploying with …

: An album from my childhood just made it to iTunes. My friend shared his love for Isaac Guillory with …

: This is a great discussion on management and leadership in engineering. Relevant to engineers and …


: I love reeder app. Having not touched my RSS feeds for years (replaced by Twitter surfing), I’ve …

: I’ve had this slim wallet for just over a year, who would have thought cork would be so durable? …

: I’m currently using the CSS framework. It’s nice, clean and a great development experience.

: Started reading: Peter Godfrey Smith’s Other Minds - the octopus and the evolution of intelligent …

: Finished reading: Robin Hobb’s Royal Assassin 📚👍

: A pile of boats

: I’m really impressed with macOS Mojave. Specifically the Swift playground for training a new image …

: @help can iOS app be modified to handle device rotation while in the in-app browser?

: AmazonStudios Jeffbezos! Please don't let the best scifi in years die! You are our greatest hope! Save The Expanse!

: A tie of Trumpian proportions at today’s PMQs

: A good question from do by Friday podcast; what is the oldest item that you use daily (or …

: This looks interesting for design ‘discovery ‘ in html. Tailwind CSS - A Utility-First CSS Framework …

: I’m sitting outside the Octagon waiting for orchestra rehearsals to finish. The concert later today, …

: Finally got round to installing Wordpress. I used to deploy it Heroku …

: The @BBCLookNorth team have stopped off to see us at Sheffield Children’s Hospital on their Big Sofa …

: We oppose the privatisation of NHS services and a move to an US style healthcare system. Please RT …

: Amazing how quiet a city centre is when there’s almost no cars on the roads. So refreshing! …

: Enfield’s A105 is now a ‘complete street’! Here is a stretch in newly civilised …

: #SaveSheffTrees - have counted 33 people in hi vis and 5 police vans here in #Sheffield to try to …

: is hawking some strangely apt produce, given how things turned out. …

: This is the conversation I had with my mom when I was fearing for my FUCKING LIFE. I’m 15. …

: I just re-watched The Matrix, a 17yr old DVD on the Xbox One. Flawless playback of an awesome movie. …

: Why can’t the UK take this sort of action? — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: Any #Pubs #Clubs #Restaurants in #Sheffield want to get on with #StrawFreeSheffield ? Or citizens …

: The NHS may not be perfect, but it remains the most accessible health system in the world and you …

: What he said! — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) February 6, 2018

: Protip: See a,, or link and …

: Yes, we need Proportional Representation. We need to reform our democracy to make it work. In the …

: A powerful and enlightening analogy. Thank you @accidentobizaro. — James …

: I don’t remember, I don’t recall. I don’t remember anything at all. — James …

: I’m not saying degrees are useless, TBH the only people who will tell you that a degree is useless …

: My mates good cause, and you could win a house for £5 Please retweet this — …

: I’m probably late to the party; but iOS camera scans QR codes and offers up the URL to visit …

: A fascinating thread about - possibly - the first instance of ethical hacking in computer …

: Oh shit. Just realised there is going to be a y10k bug. #wearealldoomed #bloodyprogrammers #y10k — …

: Super interesting stats from github usage by language. Initially shocking decline in ruby is …

: And a bike is less polluting than either. Problem with Sheffield City is that the streets favour car …

: #TIL #macOS you can drag an email from into and set …

: #ILuvEUCos (see below) — Femi (@Femi_Sorry) January 18, 2018

: Ran out of petrol today. Country lane. Trudging along, passed by myriad cars. Romanian Amazon driver …

: Hi @Jeremy_Hunt, Here is another question for you - hopefully you will have time to answer this one. …

: Fed up of letting vacation days go unused, I’m building a tool to send occasional reminders to …

: Fed up of letting vacation days go unused, I’m building a tool to send occasional reminders to …

: Hey folks, the Internet Archive is wonderfully useful. Your donation will be magnified to 4x its …

: Please vote and retweet as to whether you want a second referendum on Brexit:- — Lord Ashcroft …

: Always good to have lube onbhand when handling a live lobster. — James …

: home office and Amber Rudd: Please, let Ahmed finish his PhD in the UK via …

: Okay so Black Mirror S4 is up on Netflix. Hope you like it. — Charlie Brooker (@charltonbrooker) …

: A man who’s had a truly terrible Christmas, as a result of Theresa May’s …

: We are now living in a Fraudocracy. If you voted Leave, but now believe your vote was based on lies …

: We’ll be seeing in the New Year with a new city. Keep your eyes peeled for where we launch …

: Back in the 70s I assumed my Dad fell asleep at 5pm every Christmas because he’d eaten & drunk …

: These people ❤️ NHS staff! Please RT if you do too and help show them how appreciated they are this …

: With every amazing NHS story I read here, I wonder what it would cost in the US. Right now people …

: Does anyone know of any companies looking for a ruby developer with 1yr experience that is remote? …

: True patriotism is paying your taxes not the colour of your passport. …

: 1/ Welcome to Friday in the independent republic of Brexitlandia — Alexander …

: Good idea @SheffCouncil — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) December 11, 2017

: Everyone should watch this and ask our politicians to do so as well. @Chris_Boardman on top form …

: In light of #DavidDavis and the #Brexit non-assessments, may I suggest to @theresa_may the …

: In case anyone has missed this: Virgin Care have sued the NHS because they lost a contract and been …

: I try not to swear in tweets, but after revelation that 18mths after #EURef the UK gov’t has …

: Scotland, London and the West Midlands are all spending / or pledging to spend at least £10 per head …

: Dear @richardbranson It MAY have been your executives who sued the NHS for 100s of thousands, taking …

: Something once only in my head….. Is Out. — Richard Morgan …

: This lady found a “lost cat” outside, took it Into her house and bathed it. When really it’s a …

: Jeremy Hunt has ‘ordered’ NHS bosses to meet impossible targets - the sooner this unqualified …

: Thanks to @confreaks, we now have improved audio & video of @JoshTGreenwood & my @rubyconf …

: I’ve just signed the petition calling for a #PlasticTax on throw away straws, cutlery and …

: And yet @SheffCouncil and @Ameyplc think it best to remove ours 🌲🌳🌴😩 — James …

: 1/ Welcome to Wednesday in the independent republic of Brexitlandia — …

: Yes, this. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) November 29, 2017

: This is a good piece of work and worth reading. Brexit is already costing £300m per week. When are …

: I’m using @GoSimpleTax to file my tax return. File yours, use code RAF13502016 & you’ll receive …

: W00t! — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) November 29, 2017

: Wanna see some real fuckin cyberpunks? — Joshua A.C. Newman …

: Really enjoying the new Anton Du Beke album …

: I’m new to #elmlang, but this talk by @sentience is great. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: IMPORTANT: The FCC is hoping Thanksgiving will bury the backlash to their plan to kill …

: Hammond backtracked on funding after ‘fury’ at NHS boss’s demands. How can such …

: When there are still children in the world being trafficked, used as child soldiers and forced into …

: When your code is a mess but everything works out in the end …

: Can we have this @tweetbot ? — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) November 15, 2017 …

: Slightly obscure nerd jokes are best nerd jokes. …

: He wrote the treaty, so which constitutional expert disagrees with him, and why? …

: Trump’s pick for top environmental advisor is embarrassingly clueless. The environment is so screwed …

: Retweeted (@roadcc): Sheffield cyclist accuses Supertram of ignoring potholes near tram …

: Mediation talks may be taking place today, but business as usual on streets, Whirlowdale Rd S7, …

: Frappe Charts - These are awesome; via — James …

: Please feel free to return your licence to the DVLA with a brief cover note saying ‘Too childish to …

: Yay, recovered my 1999 DirectX project from an old iomega zip disk! Thanks EaseUS Data Recovery …

: Olağanüstü bir Performans.. []( — Fuat …

: No #bikeline no #party @Striscia @brumottistar …

: w00t - tons of new iOS 11 & Swift 4 books and courses at! …

: By me: Minister’s call for cyclists to behave is more headline-grabbing hypocrisy …

: A short note on Humanity They have been here for hundreds of thousands of years now. Living off our lands, using our very …

: Awesome thinking. Wouldn’t necessarily want to use it in Sheffield. @LovetoRide_ Awesome thinking. Wouldn’t necessarily want to use it in Sheffield. @LovetoRide_ …

: RT @Ollie2Wheeler: This is what we need in #sheffieldissuper @PMSullivan66 @CycleSheffield @cycleboost This is what we need in #sheffieldissuper @PMSullivan66 @CycleSheffield @cycleboost …

: Amazing how all those raw elements make up the song I _thought_ I knew. Amazing how all those raw elements make up the song I _thought_ I knew. — …

: RT @joshsusser: I'm so happy for the Gemfile ➔ gems.rb renaming in Bundler 2. Down with Filefile files! I’m so happy for the Gemfile ➔ gems.rb renaming in Bundler 2. Down with Filefile files! …

: RT @ReaderAdrift: LOOK PEOPLE~!!! COVERAGE!! Pls RT the hell out of this!!! LOOK PEOPLE~!!! COVERAGE!! Pls RT the hell out of this!!! — Reader Adrift …

: RT @BrentToderian: Remember this picture every single time you hear someone in your city say "we're not Amsterdam." #Amsterdam in the… Remember this picture every single time you hear someone in your city say “we’re not …

: RT @jasonfried: This is incredible. Demo of recording and playing back audio in 3D --> This is incredible. Demo of recording and playing back audio in 3D –> …

: RT @sehnaoui: Skeletor & He-Man dancing to Dirty Dancing's "The Time of My Life". Your turn, Internet. Skeletor & He-Man dancing to Dirty Dancing’s “The Time of My Life”. Your turn, …

: RT @RantyHighwayman: My speech at the vigil for Ardian Zagani yesterday evening with @StopKillingCycl My speech at the vigil for Ardian Zagani yesterday evening with @StopKillingCycl …

: RT @euromove: UPDATE: Over 10,000 people have asked the Government to release the hidden Brexit studies! Sign the petition here: UPDATE: Over 10,000 people have asked the Government to release the hidden Brexit studies! Sign the …

: Helpful error message ahoy! Helpful error message ahoy! []( — …

: RT @Learn_Things: According to NASA the moon is 238,855 miles away from the earth but a Nikon P900 picks it up with no problem. According to NASA the moon is 238,855 miles away from the earth but a Nikon P900 picks it up with no …

: #dog #found Walkley, S6 Contact me if you recognise her #dog #found Walkley, S6 Contact me if you recognise her …

: RT @charlesarthur: This cuts through the crap on “assisted dying” (or the unassisted version) to the central issue. This cuts through the crap on “assisted dying” (or the unassisted version) to the central issue. …

: RT @samthielman: Akie Abe is my new hero. Akie Abe is my new hero. []( — Sam …

: RT @dexterjohnstone: "Grayling sparks fury by scrapping rail electrification plans" - This is pathetic. These fuckers couldn't run a bath “Grayling sparks fury by scrapping rail electrification plans” - This is pathetic. These …

: Spot on. Old router, two kids and 4g has conspired to push me from wifi more and more. Spot on. Old router, two kids and 4g has conspired to push me from wifi more and more. …

: I've signed the petition asking @theresa_may not to throw away our #HumanRights when we leave the EU. Can you too? I’ve signed the petition asking @theresa_may not to throw away our #HumanRights when we leave …

: RT @GeorgeMonbiot: Please RT: shocking findings here about the plot to replace democracy with a kind of totalitarian capitalism - Please RT: shocking findings here about the plot to replace democracy with a kind of totalitarian …

: RT @RubyInside: Two Tests You Should Run Against Your Ruby Project Now: Two Tests You Should Run Against Your Ruby Project Now: — Ruby Inside …

: RT @r0wdy_: The future The future []( — TheCyber (@r0wdy_) …

: RT @BathRuby: 📣 Bath Ruby Conference is back 📅 22nd & 23rd March 2018 Put it in your diary and stay tuned for further updates! 📣 Bath Ruby Conference is back 📅 22nd & 23rd March 2018 Put it in your diary and stay tuned for …

: Yes, those technical books really pollute the search results. Yes, those technical books really pollute the search results. — James …

: RT @ADrummond14: @CycleSheffield take xtra care on @SCSupertram tracks all. Thought I judged it🆗nr Hackenthorpe but not so. Thankful… @CycleSheffield take xtra care on @SCSupertram tracks all. Thought I judged it🆗nr Hackenthorpe but …

: RT @ruprict: This is a GREAT article. Is Ruby Too Slow For Web-Scale? (thx @nateberkopec) This is a GREAT article. Is Ruby Too Slow For Web-Scale? (thx @nateberkopec) …

: RT @darth: @connorobrienNH @bshank @ericgeller @bshank @ericgeller []( — darth:™ …

: RT @theoutdoorcity: Still time to register for this year's HSBC UK City Ride on Sunday 16 July. Here's the route. Read all about it:… Still time to register for this year’s HSBC UK City Ride on Sunday 16 July. Here’s the …

: RT @adamndsmith: RT if you'd never heard this phrase until literally just now RT if you’d never heard this phrase until literally just now …

: RT @Jack_Kirby: So will #theoutdoorcity live up to its name & do something to protect vulnerable road users? @syptweet… So will #theoutdoorcity live up to its name & do something to protect vulnerable road users? …

: RT @NHSMillion: Missed appointments cost the NHS £1bn every year - pls make sure you cancel any you don't need & share so others do… Missed appointments cost the NHS £1bn every year - pls make sure you cancel any you don’t need …

: RT @BoingBoing: Beastie Boys' 'Sabotage' starring Big Bird and the Sesame Street gang Beastie Boys’ ‘Sabotage’ starring Big Bird and the Sesame Street gang …

: RT @rethinkgambling: Powerful summary of why these immoral gambling machines #FOBTs have no place in our communities. #Broken… Powerful summary of why these immoral gambling machines #FOBTs have no place in our communities. …

: RT @SheffCouncil: We're asking for your views on the introduction of fines for people who leave their car engines idling… We’re asking for your views on the introduction of fines for people who leave their car …

: RT @Terry_Patt: Thank you @AnalogPuss @psimonk @Jono_Kenyon for inspiring ride round Walthamstow-we want this transformation in TH!… Thank you @AnalogPuss @psimonk @Jono_Kenyon for inspiring ride round Walthamstow-we want this …

: RT @AntonyTiernan: Happy 80th birthday to 999: the world's oldest emergency service. And MASSIVE thanks to the amazing teams that hand… Happy 80th birthday to 999: the world’s oldest emergency service. And MASSIVE thanks to the …

: RT @NHSMillion: 'Healthcare as a basic human right for all of us' @jeremycorbyn speaks at #glastonbury #nhs RT if you agree the NHS… ‘Healthcare as a basic human right for all of us’ @jeremycorbyn speaks at #glastonbury …

: RT @bullyinguk: As a parent/carer - do you understand what teen online chat rooms are? Read our advice As a parent/carer - do you understand what teen online chat rooms are? Read our advice …

: RT @sammynickalls: there is nothing quite as heartbreakingly, dangerously stupid as the anti-vaxxing movement there is nothing quite as heartbreakingly, dangerously stupid as the anti-vaxxing movement …

: Hey @wtflanksteak, I enjoyed hearing your intro to the world of the bachelorette on @dobyfriday podcast. Hey @wtflanksteak, I enjoyed hearing your intro to the world of the bachelorette on @dobyfriday …

: RT @NHSMillion: We're looking for a million people who are proud of what the NHS stands for and think it's worth celebrating - pls… We’re looking for a million people who are proud of what the NHS stands for and think …

: RT @NHSMillion: NHS sevices are closing and staff are leaving, but it should be Jeremy Hunt who goes - RT if you agree #Hospital NHS sevices are closing and staff are leaving, but it should be Jeremy Hunt who goes - RT if you …

: I've signed the petition calling on Jeremy Hunt to publish secret #NHS plans. Will you add your name? I’ve signed the petition calling on Jeremy Hunt to publish secret #NHS plans. Will you add …

: RT @fab1231: Announcement for #Sheffield residents. Announcement for #Sheffield residents. — Fatiha Bouchiba (@fab1231) June 20, …

: RT @RebetikoWalrus: #Brexit is the stupidest thing ever. We don't have to do it. We have not legally decided to do it. And the fools ar… #Brexit is the stupidest thing ever. We don’t have to do it. We have not legally decided to do …

: RT @JolyonMaugham: But don't worry. There are a few lifeboats.* *For taxdodgers, hedgefunders, Etonians and hereditary peers whose li… But don’t worry. There are a few lifeboats.* *For taxdodgers, hedgefunders, Etonians and …

: RT @creativesheff: #Sheffield ramps up bid to win Channel 4 . RT if you want to see this iconic broadcaster based in this great city.… #Sheffield ramps up bid to win Channel 4 . RT if you want to see this iconic broadcaster based in …

: Umm, a dog is for life, not just for dinner. Umm, a dog is for life, not just for dinner. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: Home Office: Get Grenfell Tower victim's parents to the UK - Sign the Petition! via @UKChange Home Office: Get Grenfell Tower victim’s parents to the UK - Sign the Petition! …

: RT @realDonaldTrump: If you read my last number of tweets, only one opinion can be formed - that our President, and therefore "leader," is grossly incompetent! If you read my last number of tweets, only one opinion can be formed - that our President, and …

: RT @SheffieldStar: Driver arrested after cyclist dies in collision in Rotherham... Driver arrested after cyclist dies in collision in Rotherham… …

: RT @btaylor: Editor: "That React post got 10K visits from Hacker News. Not getting better than that." Blogger: "Hold my beer." Editor: “That React post got 10K visits from Hacker News. Not getting better than that.” …

: Thanks again for the Brompton rental @russ_cycle_shed Thanks again for the Brompton rental @russ_cycle_shed …

: RT @RJonesUX: Votes against forcing rented homes to be made fit for human habitation. Labour 0 Libdem 0 SNP 0 Tory 312 #GrenfellTower Votes against forcing rented homes to be made fit for human habitation. Labour 0 Libdem 0 SNP 0 Tory …

: RT @robdelaney: 72 Tory MPs *WHO ARE LANDLORDS* voted against making rented homes "fit for human habitation" last year. 72 Tory MPs *WHO ARE LANDLORDS* voted against making rented homes “fit for human …

: RT @DawnHFoster: Seems the company have taken down the refurbishment details now, here's a cache Seems the company have taken down the refurbishment details now, here’s a cache …

: Lets hope his new role reshape his thinking… Lets hope his new role reshape his thinking… — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: RT @SullyKWP: with a new Wolfenstein game coming up, allow me to revisit the greatest post about Wolfenstein. with a new Wolfenstein game coming up, allow me to revisit the greatest post about Wolfenstein. …

: The facts don’t lie, and nor do I – An open letter to Jeremy Hunt MP | NHA – South West Surrey Group The facts don’t lie, and nor do I – An open letter to Jeremy Hunt MP | NHA – South West Surrey Group …

: RT @Chris_Boardman: This iswhat we are shooting for. More pics like this are needed, to sell a dream we shouldn't even have to campaig… This iswhat we are shooting for. More pics like this are needed, to sell a dream we shouldn’t …

: RT @drjuliashaw: Artificial intelligence struggles to tell difference between fried chicken and Labradoodles. I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF… Artificial intelligence struggles to tell difference between fried chicken and Labradoodles. I …

: RT @GBCycleEmbassy: Some examples of separating cycling from tram networks, Amsterdam Some examples of separating cycling from tram networks, Amsterdam …

: Please sign & RT this petition, it means a lot to me: via @38_degrees Please sign & RT this petition, it means a lot to me: via @38_degrees — …

: RT @TheGreenParty: Clean air isn't a choice. It's a right. 💚 Share if you're standing up for the environment with us. #GE2017 Clean air isn’t a choice. It’s a right. 💚 Share if you’re standing up for the …

: RT @stephenfry: I’m supporting @Greenpeace against outrageous attempts to silence them. Please join me I’m supporting @Greenpeace against outrageous attempts to silence them. Please join me …

: RT @meanboysclub: the New York City Subway banned dogs unless they fit in a bag and the people of New York did not disappoint. the New York City Subway banned dogs unless they fit in a bag and the people of New York did not …

: I can’t wait for December. I can’t wait for December. []( — James …

: RT @CarolineLucas: Green Party pledges free prescriptions for all | The Economic Voice Green Party pledges free prescriptions for all | The Economic Voice — …

: RT @DanMcKernan: The U.S. may pull out of #ParisAgreement. But one step we can still take to help our planet? Eat a plant-based diet. The U.S. may pull out of #ParisAgreement. But one step we can still take to help our planet? Eat a …

: RT @dexterjohnstone: It couldn't happen to a bigger shower of bastards It couldn’t happen to a bigger shower of bastards — dexterjohnstone …

: RT @NHSMillion: RT if you agree #wednesdaywisdom RT if you agree #wednesdaywisdom []( — …

: RT @nowthisnews: This father just destroyed his representative over Trumpcare This father just destroyed his representative over Trumpcare …

: RT @StephenKing: Somebody already tweeted this, but it's too good (and too funny) not to re-post. Somebody already tweeted this, but it’s too good (and too funny) not to re-post. …

: RT @ArsTechnicaUK: #BladeRunner2049 trailer is weird in all the right ways by @annaleen #BladeRunner2049 trailer is weird in all the right ways by @annaleen …

: RT @mrchrisaddison: America's best hope is currently that the stolen plans for Donald Trump reveal a weakness in the exhaust port leading to the reactor. America’s best hope is currently that the stolen plans for Donald Trump reveal a weakness in …

: . @cyclesheffield this is awesome. Are there any UK bus services with bike racks? . @cyclesheffield this is awesome. Are there any UK bus services with bike racks? …

: RT @natalieben: The 70-year-olds will nearly all vote. If young people don't, it is they who'll decide our future The 70-year-olds will nearly all vote. If young people don’t, it is they who’ll decide …

: RT @NHSMillion: Whoever wins the #GeneralElection , this pay freeze has to end. Pls RT if you support fair pay for NHS staff Whoever wins the #GeneralElection , this pay freeze has to end. Pls RT if you support fair pay for …

: RT @BoingBoing: Previews of the amazing CGI and audio tech coming at SIGGRAPH Previews of the amazing CGI and audio tech coming at SIGGRAPH …

: RT @igrigorik: Chrome headless is shipping in M59 and it's full of awesome: - great hands-on tour by… Chrome headless is shipping in M59 and it’s full of awesome: - great …

: RT @russ_cycle_shed: Not a great morning had our @marinbikes Hawk Hill stolen from our #Nottingham Shop if seen call us. Not a great morning had our @marinbikes Hawk Hill stolen from our #Nottingham Shop if seen call us. …

: RT @ziyatong: This is *EPIC* street art. This is *EPIC* street art. []( — …

: RT @dhh: Rails 5.1 FINAL has been released! Loving JavaScript, System Tests, Encrypted Secrets, and more. Happy @RailsConf 🎉 Rails 5.1 FINAL has been released! Loving JavaScript, System Tests, Encrypted Secrets, and more. …

: RT @BadHombreNPS: ...And that's why it's mega-problematic to have a #climatechange denier as head of the @EPA. Have you resigned ye… …And that’s why it’s mega-problematic to have a #climatechange denier as head of …

: Pffffffss Pffffffss — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) April 20, 2017

: RT @NHSMillion: We believe Theresa May owes the British public a TV debate that includes open and honest discussion about our NHS -… We believe Theresa May owes the British public a TV debate that includes open and honest discussion …

: RT @BoingBoing: Man "fixes" crossing light Man “fixes” crossing light …

: RT @ArsTechnicaUK: Original StarCraft finally free-as-in-beer: Download it now by @samred Original StarCraft finally free-as-in-beer: Download it now by @samred — Ars …

: RT @JolyonRubs: Register to vote & change the game. 12M people didn't vote. Bigger than any party majority. Young people we need u.… Register to vote & change the game. 12M people didn’t vote. Bigger than any party …

: RT @Alyssa_Milano: Chechnya detains 100 gay men in first concentration camps since the Holocaust via @IBTimesUK Chechnya detains 100 gay men in first concentration camps since the Holocaust …

: RT @ava: A thoughtful thread on the @United travesty that's worth your next two minutes. 👇🏾 A thoughtful thread on the @United travesty that’s worth your next two minutes. 👇🏾 …

: RT @alanferrier: United Airlines in-flight staff training video leaked. United Airlines in-flight staff training video leaked. …

: RT @dhh: Oscar keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper, ignoring the cardinal rule of crisis: STOP DIGGING!! Oscar keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper, ignoring the cardinal rule of crisis: STOP DIGGING!! …

: RT @voxdotcom: Political satirists have mastered the art of covering bullshit: Political satirists have mastered the art of covering bullshit: …

: Yep, a terrible shame. Yep, a terrible shame. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) April 8, 2017

: RT @theyearofelan: 2017: Host of Celebrity Apprentice fires 60 Tomahawk missles at Syria while at his golf club in Florida 2017: Host of Celebrity Apprentice fires 60 Tomahawk missles at Syria while at his golf club in …

: macOS Sierra update fixes include macOS Sierra update fixes include []( …

: RT @Prof_johnbrewer: Just seen on Facebook. Childhood 2020s style Just seen on Facebook. Childhood 2020s style …

: Who’s in 3rd place? @nextdraft’s in 3rd place! 🎉 GO TEAM! 👏 VOTE: Who’s in 3rd place? @nextdraft’s in 3rd place! 🎉 GO TEAM! 👏 VOTE: — James …

: .@danbenjamin it’s easier if you round to the nearest year. .@danbenjamin it’s easier if you round to the nearest year. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) April 6, …

: Nice write-up from @chuq. The Mac Pro lives: Apple promises new gear Nice write-up from @chuq. The Mac Pro lives: Apple promises new gear — James …

: RT @gruber: Apple opened up about the future of the Mac Pro. It’s good news. No joke. Apple opened up about the future of the Mac Pro. It’s good news. No joke. — …

: RT @greydnls: How do you people live with yourselves? How do you people live with yourselves? …

: Did you get your place on master chef? Did you get your place on master chef? — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) March …

: Half way down the article before it’s clear this is a windows attack. Half way down the article before it’s clear this is a windows attack. — …

: Recommended… Recommended… — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) March 28, 2017

: RT @ClimateReality: Reality doesn’t go away. Period. Retweet if you’re ready to #StandUpForScience and #ActOnClimate. Reality doesn’t go away. Period. Retweet if you’re ready to #StandUpForScience and #ActOnClimate. …

: RT @jenmorrisonlive: []( — Jennifer Morrison …

: RT @b0rk: computers are fast ( computers are fast ( …

: RT @jjarichardson: Triggering Article 50 Triggering Article 50 []( — Jacob …

: RT @Esquiring: Polite reminder to view screencapped tweets with a healthy skepticism. Polite reminder to view screencapped tweets with a healthy skepticism. …

: RT @billybragg: Probably just as well that Top of the Pops isn't on any more. #SpotifyUKCharts Probably just as well that Top of the Pops isn’t on any more. #SpotifyUKCharts …

: RT @pragprog: Again, don’t miss tomorrow’s book launch of Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix. This is a big one. Don’t miss it. Again, don’t miss tomorrow’s book launch of Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and …

: RT @davepell: The impeachment will be better attended than the inauguration. The impeachment will be better attended than the inauguration. — Dave Pell (@davepell) March 20, …

: RT @COdendahl: This German carnival parade float will be shipped to #London to head a pro-EU demonstration.… This German carnival parade float will be shipped to #London to head a pro-EU demonstration. …

: RT @BobWeide: Love this. Love this. []( — Bob Weide (@BobWeide) …

: RT @DeathStarPR: The Jedi 3-Step Guide to Doing Laundry. #StarWars The Jedi 3-Step Guide to Doing Laundry. #StarWars …

: I read this as my sex robot will cry. I read this as my sex robot will cry. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) March …

: Can the earth sue the White House? Can the earth sue the White House? — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) March 18, …

: .@daringfireball I think is why Apple could still take they day if they enter the talking canister market late. .@daringfireball I think is why Apple could still take they day if they …

: RT @SheffieldBID: Cycle, climb, run and relax … at Sheffield’s festival of outdoor activities ... Cycle, climb, run and relax … at Sheffield’s festival of outdoor activities …

: .@PaulBlomfieldMP Please attend the debate on Tues to discuss the funding crisis? World peace would be a bonus if you have extra time. .@PaulBlomfieldMP Please attend the debate on Tues to discuss the funding crisis? World peace would …

: .@bbcquestiontime #KarenBradleyMP please refer #Murdoch’s bid for Sky TV - 317,000 of us don’t want him controlling our airwaves #bbcqt .@bbcquestiontime #KarenBradleyMP please refer #Murdoch’s bid for Sky TV - 317,000 of us don’t want …

: RT @OliBarrett: This is helpful. This is helpful. []( — Oli Barrett …

: RT @AltStateDpt: RT if you want to see Trump's 2010 tax returns. According to the IRS, the audit window is 3-6 years. They are out of excuses. @taxmarch RT if you want to see Trump’s 2010 tax returns. According to the IRS, the audit window is 3-6 …

: The busiest person on twitter today: @Herring1967. Good effort sir. The busiest person on twitter today: @Herring1967. Good effort sir. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: RT @charlesarthur: I just published “The herald of disaster, or why you should welcome regulations” I just published “The herald of disaster, or why you should welcome regulations” …

: So good, I've listened to it twice. Sarah Kendall: Australian Trilogy - Series 1, Touchdown - @bbcradio4 So good, I’ve listened to it twice. Sarah Kendall: Australian Trilogy - Series 1, Touchdown - …

: RT @Open_Britain: BREAKING: Lords stand up for parliamentary sovereignty & refuse to write blank cheque for hard #Brexit. RT if you w… BREAKING: Lords stand up for parliamentary sovereignty & refuse to write blank cheque for hard …

: Having just started re-reading them, this is a must buy. Sherlock Holmes (original stories) read by Stephen Fry Having just started re-reading them, this is a must buy. Sherlock Holmes (original stories) read by …

: RT @InternetPalace: Camera shutter speed synced to helicopter`s rotor Camera shutter speed synced to helicopter`s rotor …

: RT @DailyPratchett: "A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on." “A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.” — The Daily …

: RT @pia_leanne: J for Jigsaw #36daysoftype #36daysoftype_J #36days_J @36daysoftype #lettering #typography #papercraft… J for Jigsaw#36daysoftype #36daysoftype_J #36days_J @36daysoftype #lettering #typography #papercraft …

: RT @Pinboard: Root cause of outage: S3 is actually hosted on Google Cloud Storage, and today Google Cloud Storage migrated to AWS Root cause of outage: S3 is actually hosted on Google Cloud Storage, and today Google Cloud Storage …

: RT @joewalnes: Amazon Amazoff Amazon Amazoff — Joe Walnes (@joewalnes) February 28, 2017

: RT @JonStewartHBO: Since @realDonaldTrump declined to attend the @WHCA Dinner, RT if you think @AlecBaldwin should take his place.… Since @realDonaldTrump declined to attend the @WHCA Dinner, RT if you think @AlecBaldwin should take …

: RT @ArsTechnicaUK: Watershed SHA1 collision just broke the WebKit repository, others may follow by @dangoodin001 Watershed SHA1 collision just broke the WebKit repository, others may follow …

: RT @neilhimself: The Audiobook of NORSE MYTHOLOGY has been up on @audibleuk for a day now The Audiobook of NORSE MYTHOLOGY has been up on @audibleuk for a day now …

: RT @Complex: OMFG. OMFG. []( — Complex (@Complex) …

: Overcast 3; after such a detailed blog post, I thought I would be paying $10 to upgrade. Thanks @marcoarment ! Overcast 3; after such a detailed blog post, I thought I would be paying $10 to upgrade. Thanks …

: RT @ditzkoff: Then he served out the entirety of his term with honor and distinction, right? Then he served out the entirety of his term with honor and distinction, right? …

: RT @zeldman: You can’t hand over a device that you don’t have. You can’t hand over a device that you don’t have. — zeldman (@zeldman) …

: RT @CarolineLucas: PR petition for fairer votes now has over 77k signatures! 7 weeks to get it over 100k & debated; please share: PR petition for fairer votes now has over 77k signatures! 7 weeks to get it over 100k & debated; …

: RT @imgur: The Trump Handshake. The Trump Handshake. …

: RT @pia_leanne: I have some availability from next week! Can work onsite in Sheffield or remotely I have some availability from next week! Can work onsite in Sheffield or remotely …

: RT @Channel4News: "We help children. That's what human beings do." Author @neilhimself on the government's child refugee policy. Int:… “We help children. That’s what human beings do.” Author @neilhimself on the …


: RT @WulfgarTheBard: @simon_schama any chance you could let your followers know about the Dubs petition re refugee children? @simon_schama any chance you could let your followers know about the Dubs petition re refugee …

: RT @leecraigie_: Please share this film in an effort reach as many young people as possible Please share this film in an effort reach as many young people as possible — …

: Well said Rosie #trump #fakenews Well said Rosie #trump #fakenews — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) February 8, …

: .@123reg I tried Hover, but I still prefer 123-reg for catchall email. Use GET10 to get 10% off: #123getyours .@123reg I tried Hover, but I still prefer 123-reg for catchall email. Use GET10 to get 10% off: …

: RT @ddale8: A 61-year-old in Nebraska "hated Muslims." Then Syrian refugees moved into his apartment building:… A 61-year-old in Nebraska “hated Muslims.” Then Syrian refugees moved into his apartment …

: RT @sarahcrbee: I used to see the expiry date on a new debit card and think, 'I wonder what life will be like then'. Now I do the same with the milk. I used to see the expiry date on a new debit card and think, ‘I wonder what life will be like …

: RT @Mapbox: Amicus brief opposing Trump immigration order in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is filed!… Amicus brief opposing Trump immigration order in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is filed! …

: RT @stellacreasy: RT if you think MPs should hold brexiteers to their pledge to fund the NHS and vote for amendment 11 to the brexit… RT if you think MPs should hold brexiteers to their pledge to fund the NHS and vote for amendment 11 …

: RT @ChristianDems: Please share this with those who say like to say "God is finally back in the White House..." #PrayerBreakfast… Please share this with those who say like to say “God is finally back in the White …

: RT @BadAstronomer: Dear @amazon: Advertising on Breitbart is an awful, awful, awful idea. Awful. Please: You should stop. Dear @amazon: Advertising on Breitbart is an awful, awful, awful idea. Awful. Please: You should …

: RT @tv2danmark: All That We Share - The English version. All That We Share - The English version. — TV 2 Danmark (@tv2danmark) …

: Long-term plans for war with China, does this explain aim to bring manufacturing back to the US? #presidentbannon Long-term plans for war with China, does this explain aim to bring manufacturing back to the US? …

: RT @BraddJaffy: Trump Sat: It's a ban Spicer Sun: It's a ban Conway Sun: It's a ban Trump Mon: It's a ban Spicer Mon: It's a ban Sp… Trump Sat: It’s a ban Spicer Sun: It’s a ban Conway Sun: It’s a ban Trump Mon: …

: RT @jhuntington: @tommyxtopher @islivingston Trump must have been thinking about this: @tommyxtopher @islivingston Trump must have been thinking about this: — John …

: RT @KateHarding: Must be humiliating for @realdonaldtrump to see everyone realizing Bannon is the real president. GQ Must be humiliating for @realdonaldtrump to see everyone realizing Bannon is the real president. GQ …

: RT @SpeakerRyan: President Obama is in office for only 1 more month, and he’s already rolling out his last-ditch regulations. So her… President Obama is in office for only 1 more month, and he’s already rolling out his last-ditch …

: RT @mrchrisaddison: What an incredible demonstration of this wonderful position of "global strength" Brexit has gifted us. What an incredible demonstration of this wonderful position of “global strength” Brexit …

: RT @wesstreeting: .@theresa_may Welcome back. While you were flying, one of your MPs said Trump ban applies to him. Rest of us asked you to find a backbone. .@theresa_may Welcome back. While you were flying, one of your MPs said Trump ban applies to him. …

: Debugging the whole ecosystem I was recently exporting a large number of records via CSV, some 130k rows. Luckily, the rows only …

: RT @rights_info: On #HolocaustMemorialDay why we need to stand up for human rights. Please share On #HolocaustMemorialDay why we need to stand up for human rights. Please share …

: RT @RepUnderwoodSC: I don't think even I could create this much chaos in less than a week. I don’t think even I could create this much chaos in less than a week. — Francis J. Underwood …

: RT @gt: If nutrition labels were designed to visualize ingredients like this, we would make better choices—as would the man… If nutrition labels were designed to visualize ingredients like this, we would make better …

: RT @rocza: USDA gag order rescinded after public outcry. SO KEEP OUTCRYING - it works USDA gag order rescinded after public outcry. SO KEEP OUTCRYING - it works — …

: RT @RogueNASA: Advocating for climate science and environmental protection is the most pro-life you can be. The future of the planet depends on it. #resist Advocating for climate science and environmental protection is the most pro-life you can be. The …

: RT @ArsTechnicaUK: Tim Peake will return to the International Space Station by @mrseb Tim Peake will return to the International Space Station by @mrseb — Ars …

: RT @JohnCleese: Piers Morgan writes that I didn't recognise him in a restaurant in New York.I did.I just didn't want to speak to someone I truly detest Piers Morgan writes that I didn’t recognise him in a restaurant in New York.I did.I just …

: RT @StephenMangan: Interesting and persuasive thread from yesterday on how Trump processes info atm Interesting and persuasive thread from yesterday on how Trump processes info atm …

: RT @machinelevine: Please for the love of all that is holy make sure this is retweeted 100 billions times. #spicerfacts… Please for the love of all that is holy make sure this is retweeted 100 billions times. #spicerfacts …

: RT @SwoozyC: This is literally how Star Wars started This is literally how Star Wars started — Expect my Resistance (@SwoozyC) …

: RT @TiernanDouieb: *record scratch* *freeze frame* yep. that's me. you're probably wondering how i got in this situation- *record scratch* *freeze frame* yep. that’s me. you’re probably wondering how i got in …

: That's right, it was grass last time... Comparing Donald Trump and Barack Obama's inaugural crowds That’s right, it was grass last time… Comparing Donald Trump and Barack Obama’s …

: RT @ABC: Overhead shot in Washington, D.C. shows massive crowds in every direction rallying for Women's March on Washington… Overhead shot in Washington, D.C. shows massive crowds in every direction rallying for Women’s …

: A Rate-limited Sidekiq Job - Part 2 In the last post, I talked about an initial approach to a rate limited sidekiq job. Sadly, it …

: RT @theamzi: Oh man this is good. Thought I'd heard that somewhere before... #Inauguration Oh man this is good. Thought I’d heard that somewhere before… #Inauguration …

: I've supported @BritishCycling #TurningTheCorner campaign. For simpler, safer junctions, sign the petition now! I’ve supported @BritishCycling #TurningTheCorner campaign. For simpler, safer junctions, sign …

: Grey to Greenwash: how Sheffield Council missed an open goal for active travel Grey to Greenwash: how Sheffield Council missed an open goal for active travel …

: RT @Bill_Gross: Here is why a fix in software is sometimes called a "patch." It was once a piece of tape covering some punched hole… Here is why a fix in software is sometimes called a “patch.” It was once a piece of tape …

: RT @1010: 2016 was hottest year for 3rd year running - yet the UK gov is blocking wind & solar. Sign the petition to stop the… 2016 was hottest year for 3rd year running - yet the UK gov is blocking wind & solar. Sign the …

: What a treat; interview with Chris Lattner. Accidental Tech Podcast: 205: People Don’t Use the Weird Parts What a treat; interview with Chris Lattner. Accidental Tech Podcast: 205: People Don’t Use the Weird …

: A Rate-limited Sidekiq Job - Part 1 Problem: A background task needs to hit an external service, but not too frequently Solution: Use …

: RT @serafinowicz: NEW Sassy Trump: "Don't be rude!" via @YouTube (all @realdonaldtrump's words) NEW Sassy Trump: “Don’t be rude!” via @YouTube (all …

: It sounds like there is True in Trump, but it falls short. It sounds like there is True in Trump, but it falls short. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) November …

: Daring Fireball: The Right Way to Oppose Trump Daring Fireball: The Right Way to Oppose Trump — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: RT @SciencePorn: Don't stand too close to this... Don’t stand too close to this… …

: RT @Ashton_Composer: []( — Ashton Mills (@Ashton_Composer) …

: RT @coolmcjazz: When you see hatred and racism, stare in it the face. It probably won't have the courage to look back. When you see hatred and racism, stare in it the face. It probably won’t have the courage to …

: RT @EthanLDN: So the final numbers for #ElectionDay are: 231,556,622 eligible voters 46.9% didn't vote 25.6% voted Clinton 25.5% voted Trump Wow. So the final numbers for #ElectionDay are: 231,556,622 eligible voters 46.9% didn’t vote 25.6% …

: RT @DanielMiessler: This is why you don't build secretive, all-powerful surveillance tools. You never know who's going to get keys. This is why you don’t build secretive, all-powerful surveillance tools. You never know …

: RT @jamesthomson: Remember when we were all upset at the Toblerone change? Remember when we were all upset at the Toblerone change? — James Thomson (@jamesthomson) November 9, …

: The beginning of the fall of humanity The beginning of the fall of humanity — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) November …

: RT @fietsprofessor: 'In flux' versus 'Inertia' ‘In flux’ versus 'Inertia’ …

: RT @noel_llopis: Great short animated film by Pixar animators. I've always liked my fiction dark, and this one is as dark as it gets. Great short animated film by Pixar animators. I’ve always liked my fiction dark, and this one …

: RT @EmrgencyKittens: []( — Emergency Kittens …

: RT @RubyInside: Whirly: Simple, Colorful Terminal Spinner for Ruby - Whirly: Simple, Colorful Terminal Spinner for Ruby - — Ruby Inside …

: RT @pia_leanne: A couple of new projects on my site (ok holding page) PLUS a new Testimonials page A couple of new projects on my site (ok holding page) PLUS a new Testimonials page …

: What's your MPS? What’s your MPS? — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) September 16, 2016

: I'll be back I’ll be back — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) September 16, 2016

: RT @NEdgefestival: And it all starts at 2pm today with #Yarnstorming cc. @melittlewhippet! Event details here And it all starts at 2pm today with #Yarnstorming cc. @melittlewhippet! Event details here …

: RT @mxcl: The only sticker pack anyone needs. The only sticker pack anyone needs. — Max Howell (@mxcl) September 15, 2016

: Check out the ten course "meal" to celebrate the iOS 10 release: the #ios10feast! via @rwenderlich Check out the ten course “meal” to celebrate the iOS 10 release: the #ios10feast! …

: Imagine: Aug 1998. Steve Jobs announces Mac-i instead of iMac. Followed 9 yrs later by phone-i. Wonder why they went with the prefix? Imagine: Aug 1998. Steve Jobs announces Mac-i instead of iMac. Followed 9 yrs later by phone-i. …

: RT @TonyMSwalk: Gone from £5229 to £5500 in one morning! Thank you so much to all you generous donators out there! #grateful Gone from £5229 to £5500 in one morning! Thank you so much to all you generous donators out there! …

: RT @charlip181: Please #follow my Dad @TonyMSwalk he's walking the length of Britain right now. He has #MultipleSclerosis #retweet Please #follow my Dad @TonyMSwalk he’s walking the length of Britain right now. He has …

: Nether Edge Festival looks pretty cool. Esp. The Yorkshire Teabags (go Adam). Nether Edge Festival looks pretty cool. Esp. The Yorkshire Teabags (go Adam). …

: RT @adelehadfield: Read below @TonyMSwalk @MSTherapySYorks ☺️ Read below @TonyMSwalk @MSTherapySYorks ☺️ …

: Spot on. Spot on. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) August 24, 2016

: Yowsers. JS Fans look at this. Incredible polish. Yowsers. JS Fans look at this. Incredible polish. — James Cowlishaw …

: RT @ag_dubs: new @usnistgov password guidelines! new @usnistgov password guidelines! …

: while code-diving, I “discovered” some character/string shortcuts in #ruby: >> ?/ => "/" >> ?` => "`" >> ?" => """ >> ?' => "'" while code-diving, I “discovered” some character/string shortcuts in #ruby: >> ?/ => …

: RT @jckarter: JavaScript 4K demo competition! Build an amazing app with fewer than 4096 dependencies JavaScript 4K demo competition! Build an amazing app with fewer than 4096 dependencies — Joe Groff …

: RT @manisha72617183: Fixing bugs on production: Fixing bugs on production: []( — …

: New Skype T&Cs - include “Notice that Xbox now requires that you sign in at least every 5 years to keep your gamertag active” Ridonculous! New Skype T&Cs - include “Notice that Xbox now requires that you sign in at least every 5 years …

: RT @TonyMSwalk: Hi #Sheffield I'm on Day 5 of my John O'Groats to Lands End walk. Could you follow my Twitter? #JOGLE #tonyswobblywalk #MultipleSclerosis TY Hi #Sheffield I’m on Day 5 of my John O'Groats to Lands End walk. Could you follow my Twitter? …

: RT @SciencePorn: This is why we refrain from going back to the Moon. This is why we refrain from going back to the Moon. …

: .@Helen_Whately You know we want a healthy #NHS, please work to deliver it through more funding. .@Helen_Whately You know we want a healthy #NHS, please work to deliver it through more funding. — …

: RT @doglab: It takes 3.2sec to retweet and help find Phoebe Grange,17,missing from #Haringey #London since 10/7 It takes 3.2sec to retweet and help find Phoebe Grange,17,missing from #Haringey #London since 10/7 …

: RT @joeheenan: I've rebranded Celebrations due to the fact there is nothing to celebrate anymore. I’ve rebranded Celebrations due to the fact there is nothing to celebrate anymore. …

: RT @Freedland: The message we send when we make Boris Johnson our chief diplomat. My column The message we send when we make Boris Johnson our chief diplomat. My column …

: RT @RufusHound: Kiss it goodbye. #NHS Kiss it goodbye. #NHS — Rufus Hound (@RufusHound) July 14, 2016

: RT @RichieMcCormack: Impossible not to read the 'Boris Johnson named foreign secretary' tweets in anything but the 'you let Dougal do a funeral' voice Impossible not to read the ‘Boris Johnson named foreign secretary’ tweets in anything …

: Brexit/Tories have taken everything; except Hunt.  💩 Brexit/Tories have taken everything; except Hunt. 💩 — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) July 14, 2016

: RT @lolaodelola: I'm still looking for a job, jr-mid ruby/ruby on rails position. I can do onsite or remote. Check out my site I’m still looking for a job, jr-mid ruby/ruby on rails position. I can do onsite or remote. …

: RT @TheRightArticle: The Sun admits '600,000 benefit tourists' story was false. The correction is small so help the Sun by passing it on The Sun admits ‘600,000 benefit tourists’ story was false. The correction is small so …

: A great article A great article — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) July 12, 2016

: RT @Beschizza: As file photos of UK PM Theresa May are crudely unflattering, I shall henceforth use this drawing of Malory Archer As file photos of UK PM Theresa May are crudely unflattering, I shall henceforth use this drawing of …

: RT @doglab: It takes 3.2sec to retweet and help find Nikita Noble 14-year-old missing from the Wirral #liverpool It takes 3.2sec to retweet and help find Nikita Noble 14-year-old missing from the Wirral #liverpool …

: RT @Robp220: @antanddec My father inlaw @TonyMSwalk has MS but walking o'groats to lands end. Could u RT? @antanddec My father inlaw @TonyMSwalk has MS but walking o'groats to lands end. Could u RT? …

: RT @ajlobster: She truly is the world's greatest athlete She truly is the world’s greatest athlete …

: RT @SwiftOnSecurity: 99% of the unit tests passed 99% of the unit tests passed — SecuriTay (@SwiftOnSecurity) January 9, 2016

: RT @bobbyllew: I'm always too cautious when I rant on about things. I’m always too cautious when I rant on about things. …

: []( — James …

: RT @CarolineLucas: It's time to build a #ProgressiveAlliance. Sign the petition calling on parties to make that happen: #FairVotesNow It’s time to build a #ProgressiveAlliance. Sign the petition calling on parties to make that …

: Hahaha love it. Hahaha love it. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) July 1, 2016

: I found my current post there. Super good. I found my current post there. Super good. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) …

: RT @dhh: Rails 5.0 is finally done: - enjoy Action Cable, API mode, and so much more ⚡️⭐️✨ Rails 5.0 is finally done: - enjoy Action Cable, API mode, and so much more …

: Sorely needed. Sorely needed. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) June 30, 2016

: I can’t believe is not registered. I can’t believe is not registered. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) June 29, …

: RT @Taezar: "customers arriving by bike spent 24 per cent more per month than customers arriving in cars" “customers arriving by bike spent 24 per cent more per month than customers arriving in …

: RT @charlesarthur: Three law professors on when/how we will have left the EU or EEA or what. Bonus: Bojo on ECJ = “nonsense on stilts” Three law professors on when/how we will have left the EU or EEA or what. …

: RT @MitchBenn: If you voted Leave, you made this happen. You don't endorse it or support it but you made it happen. Sleep well. If you voted Leave, you made this happen. You don’t endorse it or support it but you made it …

: I thought this was the real reason why leavers wanted out. Saddening. I thought this was the real reason why leavers wanted out. Saddening. — …

: RT @bsodmike: Available for #remote #work #Experienced #Ruby #Rails #developer E: #job #fulltime #consult Available for #remote #work #Experienced #Ruby #Rails #developer E: …

: RT @davidschneider: Even if #GoTFinale kills off everyone in Westeros while the dragons do karaoke it'll still be tame compared to this season finale of the UK. Even if #GoTFinale kills off everyone in Westeros while the dragons do karaoke it’ll still be …

: Very Game of Thrones. Very Game of Thrones. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) June 27, 2016

: RT @MerseyMal: The English have placed a bomb under the Irish peace process | Fintan O’Toole The English have placed a bomb under the Irish peace process | Fintan O’Toole …

: Oh, he’s spot on as far as I can see. ☹️ Oh, he’s spot on as far as I can see. ☹️ — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) June …

: RT @olyduff: Saturday's i cartoon. @BJennings90 #Brexit #EUref Saturday’s i cartoon. @BJennings90 #Brexit #EUref …

: Cameron should have cancelled the referendum when Boaty McBoatface won. Cameron should have cancelled the referendum when Boaty McBoatface won. — James Cowlishaw …

: RT @CarolineLucas: There is a way Brexiters could really hand back control to the people: my @guardian article #FixOurDemocracy There is a way Brexiters could really hand back control to the people: my @guardian article …

: Looks like a hard sell right now. Looks like a hard sell right now. — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) June 24, …

: RT @RufusHound: A vote of confidence in #corbyn - sign the petition via @38_degrees A vote of confidence in #corbyn - sign the petition via @38_degrees — Rufus …

: RT @mattgemmell: Oh, and Americans: this is the man you’re considering voting for. Scotland is _exclusively_ Remain. Trump is a liar. Oh, and Americans: this is the man you’re considering voting for. Scotland is _exclusively_ Remain. …

: RT @nicoleperlroth: The most articulate take on #Brexit is actually this FT reader comment today. The most articulate take on #Brexit is actually this FT reader comment today. …

: RT @tha_rami: []( — Rami Ismail (@tha_rami) June 24, …

: RT @hannahkaty: To every EU national in the UK who feels unwelcome today. I want you here. I am grateful for you. I am sorry. #EUref To every EU national in the UK who feels unwelcome today. I want you here. I am grateful for you. I …

: RT @carriedenny: Tell that to Jo Cox. #Brexit Tell that to Jo Cox.#Brexit []( — …

: RT @Sijbren_deJong: #Brexit- screwing over future generations one step at a time. #EUref #Brexit- screwing over future generations one step at a time. #EUref …

: RT @GlennyRodge: Britain was known by the world as a nation that embraced all peoples and all cultures. We were proud of it. That's gone now. Britain was known by the world as a nation that embraced all peoples and all cultures. We were proud …

: RT @glenrules: Ever been fucked by a pensioner before ? You have now. #brexit c/o @mikeclay Ever been fucked by a pensioner before ? You have now. #brexit c/o @mikeclay …

: RT @MichaelLindall: Farage has made 3 speeches since 5am. Not official Brexit campaigner. Not recognised by nor member of House of Commons. Just a cunt in a tie Farage has made 3 speeches since 5am. Not official Brexit campaigner. Not recognised by nor member …

: Without a bullet fired? How insensitive is this man? Without a bullet fired? How insensitive is this man? — James Cowlishaw …

: Well, I honestly thought the UK was on average more balanced. Sad day. Well, I honestly thought the UK was on average more balanced. Sad day. …

: RT @bengoldacre: Okay. This referendum really matters. Here is why I am voting Remain. Okay. This referendum really matters. Here is why I am voting Remain. …

: RT @Chris_Boardman: RT @steinsky: build it and they will come. Brilliant (and predictable) #cyclesuperhighway RT @steinsky: build it and they will come. Brilliant (and predictable) #cyclesuperhighway …

: RT @gmptraffic: cyclists / horses can use the fulll lane, don't need to be near the kerb. #space4cycling #opconsiderate #bikeweekuk cyclists / horses can use the fulll lane, don’t need to be near the kerb. #space4cycling …

: .@jeremy_hunt It's time to close the NHS drugs pricing loophole. Please can you act now? .@jeremy_hunt It’s time to close the NHS drugs pricing loophole. Please can you act now? — …

: RT @celynjones: I want to #Remain in and not out. I want to #remain part of something and not apart. I feel change can only happen within and not without. I want to #Remain in and not out. I want to #remain part of something and not apart. I feel change …

: RT @Khanoisseur: Parents against gun violence put these out each month and they are always gobsmacking. Parents against gun violence put these out each month and they are always gobsmacking. …

: .@MattHancockMP please do what it takes to extend the #voterregistration deadline - democracy is too important for a crashed website .@MattHancockMP please do what it takes to extend the #voterregistration deadline - democracy is too …

: RT @bengoldacre: V good informative post on the doctors strike tomorrow by @juniordrblog V good informative post on the doctors strike tomorrow by @juniordrblog — …

: Building a guard rail When you use a tool you built, you know where it’s sharp edges are. You can avoid slicing your …

: Building a guard rail When you use a tool you built, you know where it’s sharp edges are. You can avoid slicing your …

: Sharing with the world Several years ago, I wrote a spreadsheet. It was awesome. Then I wrote a quickly aborted php app. A …

: Sharing with the world Several years ago, I wrote a spreadsheet. It was awesome. Then I wrote a quickly aborted php app. A …

: RT @ericbaize: In 10 years, I have not found a more effective picture to explain software security. #swsec In 10 years, I have not found a more effective picture to explain software security. #swsec …

: RT @onethingwell: Flashlight - The missing plugin system for Spotlight Flashlight enhances Spotlight with quick weather... Flashlight - The missing plugin system for Spotlight Flashlight enhances Spotlight with quick …

: RT @NHAparty: Tell MPs: NHS is top policy priority for voters. Please RT to counter media obsession with immigration + Europe. Tell MPs: NHS is top policy priority for voters. Please RT to counter media obsession with …

: RT @thegrugq: Always consider that your threat model might be incomplete. Always consider that your threat model might be incomplete. []( …

: RT @vivekspike: IE devs asked the community to vote on the next feature to implement. The community chose death. IE devs asked the community to vote on the next feature to implement. The community chose death. …

: RT @McFunkypants: This is a million dollar idea. This is a million dollar idea. []( — Christer Kaitila …

: Fix #homebrew on #yosamite: > cd /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions > sudo ln -s ./2.0 ./1.8 > brew update > sudo rm ./1.8 Fix #homebrew on #yosamite: > cd /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions > sudo ln …

: RT @newscientist: Earth's blue beauty, shot from the far side of the moon Earth’s blue beauty, shot from the far side of the moon …

: Testing IFTTT Testing IFTTT []( — James Cowlishaw (@cowlibob) October 29, 2014 …

: Ember JS observations #2 transitionTo() & transitionToRoute() take ids as params, not the models themselves.

: Ember JS observations #1 Views cannot handle actions, except the defined events (click, touchstart etc).
